Mixed martial arts fighters Luke Niall and Kashaan Khan engage in a Bantam Title cage fight during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and martial arts. Golden Ticket Figh
Mixed martial arts fighters wait and warm up backstage before their cage fight during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and martial arts. Golden Ticket Fight Promotions
Mixed martial arts fighter Rico Biggs (L) warms up backstage before entering the octagon to engage in a cage fight against Bailey Gilbert during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, k
Mixed martial arts fighters Mateusz Mazurdwski (L) and Aron Franz (R) engage in a cage fight during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and martial arts. Golden Ticket Fig
Supporters of mixed martial arts fighter Garon Shemar are emotional following his victory during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and martial arts. Golden Ticket Fight
Mixed martial arts fighter Wilson Varela (C) undergoes an inspection before his cage fight against James Dixon during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and martial arts.
Mixed martial arts fighters Koyar Kurdy and Venet Banushi engage in a cage fight during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and martial arts. Golden Ticket Fight Promotion
Mixed martial arts fighters Koyar Kurdy (L) and Venet Banushi (2nd L) engage in a cage fight during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and martial arts. Golden Ticket Fig
Mixed martial arts fighter Luke Niall (R) has his mouth guard checked before his Bantam Title cage fight against Kashaan Khan during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing an
Mixed martial arts fighters Koyar Kurdy and Venet Banushi (top) engage in a cage fight during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and martial arts. Golden Ticket Fight Pro
Mixed martial arts fighter Koyar Kurdy (2nd L) looks dejected as his opponent Venet Banushi (R) is proclaimed the winner following their cage fight during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wr
Mixed martial arts fighters Luke Niall (top) and Kashaan Khan engage in a Bantam Title cage fight during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and martial arts. Golden Ticke
Mixed martial arts fighter Luke Niall looks dejected following his defeat to Kashaan Khan in a Bantam Title cage fight during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and marti
Mixed martial arts fighter Jamie Hales has his hands wrapped before his cage fight during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and martial arts. Golden Ticket Fight Promoti
Mixed martial arts fighters Wilson Varela (L) and James Dixon engage in a cage fight during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and martial arts. Golden Ticket Fight Promo
Mixed martial arts fighter Wez Tully (C) undergoes an inspection before his cage fight against Ryan Lockyer during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and martial arts. Go
Mixed martial arts fighter Wilson Varela (L) is pinned to the ground by his opponent James Dixon as they engage in a cage fight during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing
Mixed martial arts fighters Wilson Varela (top) and James Dixon engage in a cage fight during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and martial arts. Golden Ticket Fight Pro
A ring girl holds the vacant Bantam Title belt aloft before mixed martial arts fighters Luke Niall and Kashaan Khan engage in a cage fight during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling,
Mixed martial arts fighter Bailey Gilbert (C) celebrates victory over Rico Biggs during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and martial arts. Golden Ticket Fight Promotio
Mixed martial arts fighter Chris Miah (R) has his gloves removed following his victory in the Featherweight Championship over Robbie Scott during an evening of MMA combat hosted by 'Golden Ticket Fight Promotions' in Wolverhampton, central England on December 5, 2021. Mixed Martial Arts fighting is a full-contact combat sport based on techniques of striking, throwing, kicking, and grappling with an opponent, often incorporating techniques from various combat sports including: boxing, wrestling,